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In the most comprehensive work yet to be written in english on the topic, the author discusses, amongst other matters. He pondered on the meaning of life and how people could be reformed. An evening with the poet happening on 14 may 2016 at kolkata, 1 moira street. He was the prolific writer, speaker, and scholar of islam. So, visit our islamic multimedia section for more books and. Malomat tareekheislam pdf urdu book is all about general knowledge. He began to retreat to a cave a few miles outside makkah for prayer, contemplation and fasting in isolation. Aalameislam par mustashriqeen ki fikri yalgar, read yourself and tell others to read also. There are a lot of information about the history of islam in urdu language. Here you also download the lectures and bayanat of different islamic scholors like maulana tariq jameel, maulana hakeem akhter. Islamic books library online islamic books in pdf to read and. He was born may 25, 1899 in churulia, india and died august 29, 1976 in dhaka bangladesh.
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